• Reference

Custom Variables

You can use custom variables to easy adjust informations shared across several pages or to easy ajust course offers without having to review all text material. To use custom variables you must declare a variable and put it under two brackets {{ var_name }}, then declare the variables in the mkdocs.yml.

You can use custom {{ _var1_ }} to easy adjust informations
shared across several pages or to easy ajust course offers
without having to review all text {{ _var2_ }}. 

Variables are located in mkdocs.yml config file under custom_variables:

 _var1_: "*variables*"
 _var2_: material


You can use markdown inside the variables, but remember to put it inside "".


It uses Jinja2 to process the text and replace the variable:

  • active-handout-plugins-py/src/active_handout_plugins/templating.py